The Color Riot is a group of soldiers with unclear affiliations, comprised of several thematically named cohorts including the Fuchsia Coterie and the Golden Cete. They occasionally oppose Juniper Smith and his party.
“Ordinarily, one in one hundred survive the journey to the outpost, but the Color Riot will ensure that you don’t even have that hope … not unless we work together.”
- —Cypress to Juniper, Chapter 2: "Thickenings"
Fuchsia Coterie[]
The Fuchsia Coterie are a group of soldiers that wear pink mohawks and plain clothes.[1]
Golden Cete[]
The Golden Cete are "trained soldiers at a high rank".[2]
The Fuchsia Coterie infiltrated one of the Host's planes into the Risen Lands. Taking the Fall Their mission involved killing everyone who saw them there, Thickenings though Amaryllis Penndraig would later theorise that their main goal was her own assassination, orchestrated by the Lost King's Court. Diamond and Iron Juniper Smith fought several of their number in Comfort, collecting their souls to power Amaryllis' XC-class soulcycle. Solely Responsible Reaver
Larkspur Prentiss would later teleport the Golden Cete into Boastre Vino, alongside multiple helicopters with mounted guns and a void cannon, as support in the battle with Juniper's party. PPROM Their number included at least two blade-bound, one of whom was strong enough to cut Fenn Greenglass in half. She and Solace were, however, able to dispatch the regular soldiers easily. Copse and Robbers Blood in the Water
- ↑ Pink mohawk aside, he was dressed down, with light brown pants made of some kind of canvas and a plain, unadorned t-shirt.
—Worth the Candle Chapter 3: "Solely Responsible" - ↑ The good news is that the rest are probably Golden Cete, part of the Color Riot, trained soldiers at a high rank.
—Worth the Candle Chapter 50: "Copse and Robbers"