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This is a list of all entads (unique Aerbian magic items) seen in Worth the Candle.

Entads owned by Juniper[]

Alvion's Vambrace[]

A tube of metal worn around the forearm with an opal set into it. With a twist, the opal allows an instant change of clothes, where ‘clothes' is fairly permissively defined and can include both weapons, armor, and things carried up to two hundred pounds, barring people. Small enough to be hidden beneath a long-sleeved shirt. Has three notches, meaning two ‘outfits' stored and one worn. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Gardner's Plate[]

Has twelve small holes at various points around it, from which vines can be projected while worn, though they only work for a few minutes before retreating. The vines are fully prehensile and under the control of the wearer, though they are difficult to use for everyone but Juniper, possibly because of his Ambidexterity virtue. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul


It's a throwing dagger with a blade of crystal, and whenever a blade is thrown, a new copy will appear in the user's hand. Twisting the handle causes the copies to blow up. Any of the copies will disappear if they are more than a hundred feet from the user. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Sander's Bow[]

A bow with a sandstone grip and limbs made up of light, honey-colored wood. When activated, arrows fired from it will appear to hang in the air for ten seconds before resuming its previous velocity. Activated by twisting the central part of the handle with both hands. Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth

Slink-thief's dagger[]

A throwing dagger that returns to the person who threw it shortly after it's either missed or hit its target. Exists in whatever spot is remotely plausible for it to exist on the wielder, meaning that it can be drawn from a cuff, inside a jacket, pulled from within a waistband, etc. Stays hidden when the wielder is searched. Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth

Space Plate[]

Airtight, watertight, pressurized, and with two days' air supply. It's impact resistant, but spreads out the force of impact into something that the body can handle better, like regular armor. Good for deep sea diving and hostile environments. The helm is completely transparent, allowing full field of view. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Probability Blade[]

It's a gray blur of metal when held, but when the user tries to cut something with it, or parry a blade, it becomes whatever sword is best suited to the occasion. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Bracelet of Panacea[]

Cures the wearer of any short-term (less than 24-hour) poisons by purging them. The mechanism that allows it to work is unknown, but it's believed to be predictive, as it has previously responded to poisons both novel and unknown. Its power allows the wearer to breathe fouled air, so long as there's sufficient oxygen. Gifted to Juniper by Gemma Tails. The Remnants of the Past


A cloak which, when swished, causes it to become as hard as a metal shield for one second before returning to cloth form. Invented by Tom during Juniper's Campaigns. On Aerb, given to the Party by Pallida, whom it is bound to. Full House

Ring of Partial Incorporeality[]

Allows the wearer to make a single part of themselves incorporeal, so long as that part is contiguous and does not create two non-contiguous stretches of corporeal matter (ex. it can make a hole of incorporeality in someone's palm, but not one which is wide enough that both fingers and wrist were corporeal with nothing connecting them). Race restricted to humans. Given to the Party by Pallida, whom it is bound to. Full HouseStats for Nerds IIIt functioned by moving the affected body part into the ethereal plane.[1][2] The ring's ability to affect things beyond the bearer was limited; Juniper managed to extend it over half of Valencia's body, but no further.[3] Lost, presumed destroyed, during Juniper's battle with Shia LaBeouf.[1][4][5]

Ring of the Broken World[]

It can teleport the user such that he is still touching the place that he had originally been standing in (such as teleporting so that his feet are where his head was), preserving momentum. Activated by thought, and can be used many times in rapid succession. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Ring of Upward Bliss[]

Tapping the ring three times teleports the user up a mile up into the air. Taken by Juniper from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Entads owned by Amaryllis[]

Ancestor's Amulet[]

Contains a facsimile of a previous owner, which can be overwritten. This ancestor can be spoken to, and has some ability to form new memories based on conversation, as well as 'feel' emotion, though personality is static. Currently, the ancestor is Cyclamine Penndraig, Amaryllis' great-grandfather. Obtained in Caer Laga. Rolling Need


A sword with a thin basket of metal around the handle, like a rapier but with a sharp edge. Can blink in and out of existence with a thought. When the blade materializes, any material in its way is instantly removed from existence. Obtained in Caer Laga. Rolling Need

Immobility Plate[]

A suit of elegant full plate with a heavily stylized anvil on the front. Stops the wearer in place with a thought, then allows them to resume motion with another thought. Contains inertial dampers to prevent injury to the wearer. When immobile, becomes much harder to affect with kinetic weapons/forces. Immobility is not absolute; sufficient force can still move it, but it takes a lot. Reference frame is Aerb. Obtained in Caer Laga. Rolling Need

Pedant's Pendant[]

Worn around the neck, it gives the ability to precisely recall rules, facts, pronunciation and other miscellanea. In effect, it's a limited form of eidetic memory with a rather narrow focus. Monty Haul Taken by Amaryllis from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul


A vantablack glove, capable of putting things (of up to a certain volume) into a limitless extradimensional space after ten seconds of contact and a thought (the thought can come any time after the initial ten seconds of contact, so long as contact is maintained). Objects stored within the glove must be "whole" objects and will exit if they split. There is no breathable air. Decay and other processes continue to happen. Anyone who wants to can easily exit the glove with a minimum amount of exerted will. Originally one of a pair, though the other glove had different powers. Obtained by Amaryllis from Caer Laga and used to get Juniper and Fenn inside. Cliff Racer

Entads owned by Grak[]

Choker of Concordance[]

Black choker with an inset crystal. Can be used to triple the user's pool of concordance, though it still takes some time to refill. Taken by Grak from Speculator Masters' stash, though it was first used by Bethel to reinforce her wards. Monty Haul

Hair Axe[]

An axe decorated with swirls that look like hair. Causes anyone cut by it to grow an extra foot of hair, where 'hair' excludes eyebrows, body hair, etc., and full effect may vary by species. Depth of cut does not matter, and with magical healing, the axe may be used cosmetically. Bound to Grak. Greychapel

The axe can be recalled back to hand after being thrown. Friendship is Magic

Ironwood Fist[]

A wooden left hand with gnarls and knots in it, harder than iron and fully mobile, with joints that bend both directions. Greatly increases grip strength, and has the ability to slowly change shape on demand. Ambiguous entad status. Granted to Grak by Solace through some application of druid magic. Name of the Beast

Spectrum Glasses[]

Eyeglasses which, when worn, give people colored auras. These colors are clearly non-random, but the meaning behind them is opaque. Most civilians show up as somewhere between blue and orange. Most allies show up as purple. Most 'enemies' show up as red. The unclear significance of these colors, false positives, and false negatives, mean that they're rarely if ever used anymore. Worn by Aumann's still mage and taken before his death. Bound to Amaryllis and given to Grak. Friendship is Magic

Temporal Plate[]

Allows manipulation of time to give the wearer more time to perform actions. In physics terms, behaves as though time were accelerated for the wearer. Doesn't allow for more powerful punches or greater kinetic energy (does allow for faster wards and better aimed pistols). Bound to Pallida but given to Grak. Full House

Entads owned by Valencia[]

Crown of Malingering Thorns[]

Prevents poisoning and purges existing poisons. Any poison negated in this way is "paid back" with a mental affliction, as long as the wearer has a soul. Given to Valencia by Bethel. The One-Hand Warder

Memory Blade[]

Becomes sharper the more it hits. Each hit removes memories from both the wielder (as long as they have a soul) and the person struck, with the magnitude of memories removed dependent upon the severity of the strike. Given to Valencia by Bethel. The One-Hand Warder

Red Armor of Arramor[]

Prevents physical/kinetic damage to the wearer, then transfers the entirety of the damage that would have been at the top of the hour (minus whatever the armor itself would block or redistribute), as well as dealing the same damage to whoever damages the user, so long as they're still living and/or have a soul. Given to Valencia by Bethel. The One-Hand Warder

Entads owned by Solace[]

Cloak of Leaves[]

Provides an extradimensional space that can be accessed by putting things behind the user's back. Storage space is limited to approximately nine cubic feet. Owned by Solace. In Search of a Quest

Solace's elemental armor[]

Armor that can be dialed in to protect against different elemental attacks at short notice. Taken by Solace from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Solace's plant staff[]

Gnarled wooden staff that gives Solace a partial control of plants, which allegedly mixes well with her druid powers. Taken by Solace from Speculator Masters' stash. Monty Haul

Entads owned by Pallida[]

Inkscape Armor[]

Skintight armor that can retract or cover at will. Wardproof, and makes anything it covers wardproof as well. When covering the face, it provides air supply. Owned by Pallida. Stats for Nerds II

Trident of Bubbling Flame[]

On command, this trident will activate, allowing it to warp and bubble away at a wide variety of materials. Bound to Pallida. Stats for Nerds II

Entads owned by Raven[]

Anklet of Reactive Radiance[]

When someone increases their physical abilities near her using magic, typically bone magic, her own physical abilities rise an equal amount. This effect also matches the effects of permanent increases from entads. Bound to Raven. Stats for Nerds II

Banded Grasp[]

Worn as a single band of metal, usually under the clothes, allows armor to snap around the user with a thought. Doesn't cover head or hands. Armor is extremely resistant to kinetic damage, and absorbs a fair amount of power from other attacks (heat, eletricity, radiation, etc.). Disbands with a thought. Bound to Raven. Stats for Nerds II

Brace of the Bound[]

A brace that can store information from books in it when the wearer touches a book. A single book at a time can be made manifest with a thought, though it's not a "real" book and cannot leave the wearer's possession. Holds 32768 books, with new books requiring an old one to be cast out. (Currently full.) Stats for Nerds II

Mirrored Blade[]

A blade that can be summoned to hand with a thought and disappears into extradimensional space when not in use. The blade itself is made of a slice of stilled time and capable of cutting through nearly anything. Bound to Raven. Stats for Nerds II

Orb of Three Spirits[]

A small orb, carried about the person. At a thought, three sea-foam green orbs appear above her, each of which can be fired off in a straight line, carving through any solid or liquid in their path with no resistance. Each orb, once used, will take one week to recharge. Bound to Raven. Stats for Nerds II

Raven's flying entad[]

Unknown entad. Only works outdoors and once a day, but flings the user and one other person up into the air, allowing for fast travel. Monty Haul

Shadow's Cloak[]

A pseudo-sentient cloak, which will twist and flutter in an imagined wind unless instructed otherwise. Has a wide variety of weak powers, including extradimensional interior pockets, resistance to tearing and ripping, and the ability to defensively react to threats. Bound to Raven. Stats for Nerds II

Entads owned by the Party[]

Arrow-annihilating armor[]

Armor that annihilates all arrows that come in contact with it. Previously owned by Larkspur Prentiss, taken after his defeat. Copse and Robbers

Artillery Bow[]

Allows the user to fire an arrow, which splits into twice as many identical arrows every ten feet until it becomes a massive volley. Has a 33% chance to gain a new volley charge every day, with an unknown maximum number of charges.[6] Otherwise works fine as a regular bow. A Winding Course

Aumann's armchair[]

Unknown abilities. Theorized by Juniper as able to whisk people away to the bottom of a dungeon, though it did nothing when Juniper sat on it. Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth

Aumann's bracelet[]

Unknown abilities. Theorized by Fenn to deal with poisons in some regard. Worn by Aumann before his death. Paths

Aumann's necklace[]

Unknown abilities. Theorized by Fenn to deal with poisons in some regard. Worn by Aumann before his death. Paths

Aumann's pocketwatch[]

Gives the Aerbian equivalent of longitude and latitude. Worn by Aumann before his death. Paths

Aumann's sickle[]

Sickle with a rich oak handle. Unknown use. Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth

Axe of Gilhead[]

Two-handed axe. When it strikes a man, it pulls the blood from him. Wielding it covers the wielder's hands with blood. Sentient and rebellious, creating a compulsion toward blood in the wielder. Taken from Narcissus by Bethel. Rapping at my Chamber Door

Bottle of Manifold Space[]

Appears as a large, five gallon glass jug. When a person touches the spout, they're (apparently) shrunk down and fall inside it, roughly two miles down. The interior space of the bottle appears to be roughly a mile and a half across. A set of wards provide support to the interior ecosystem, ensuring the movement of water through the bottle, and regulating atmosphere. Currently inhabited by the last known locus, whose domain covers the entire interior of the bottle. Exiting the bottle requires either some appropriate magic, or leaving through the spout. Previously exclusively owned by Solace, now the focus of the entire party. Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats

Clonal Kit[]

A small wooden box inlaid with ivory, roughly the size of a backpack. Can create a collection of items related to any existing Aerbian profession when held with both hands and thinking about it. The collection of items can be directed to some degree by concentrating. The box needs to be "paid back" for it to work again, by either putting the original items back in or giving it something of equal value. Obtained in Caer Laga. Rolling Need

Marzipan Urn[]

A ceramic container filled with small cubbies where marzipan fairies grow. Each may be consumed for healing, but serious injuries will require more than one. Doesn't restore lost blood. Doesn't regrow missing bones. Bound to Amaryllis. Obtained in Caer Laga. Rolling Need

Mirror of Messages[]

Ornate mirror, gilded around the outside edge, with swoops and swirls that suggest something floral. Reflects a pre-recorded message to specific people. Used by Uther to record and display a message to Juniper at the Athenaeum of Speculation and Scrutiny and then stolen by Fenn. The Veil of the World

Narcissus's awl[]

Awl with a clear handle. Sentient tool that brooks no master. Cannot be held for more than a week before it requires someone new. Taken from Narcissus by Bethel. Rapping at my Chamber Door

Orb of Knowledge[]

Small gray ball. Slightly reflective, with striations on the surface reminiscent of marble. If a noun is spoken when held, lights up green if it's known to the user personally, blue if it's known to the user from an outside source, grey if it's unknown and yellow if it was known and forgotten. Owned by Speculator Masters and used to test Juniper's dream-skewered status, after which it was stolen by Fenn. The Dream That Skewers

Pallida's charisma hairpin[]

Hairpin that makes the wearer more attractive when worn. Owned by Pallida and given to the Party. Full House

Pallida's endless deck of cards[]

A deck of cards that never runs out. Owned by Pallida and given to the Party. Full House

Pallida's endless rope[]

An infinitely extensible coil of rope. Owned by Pallida and given to the Party. Full House

Pallida's loaded dice[]

A pair of dice that always roll the number the user's thinking of. Owned by Pallida and given to the Party. Full House

Pallida's name dagger[]

A dagger that tells the wielder the name of people they stab. Owned by Pallida and given to the Party. Full House

Pallida's paired marbles[]

Marbles that are paired with each other, apparently good for recon. Unknown mechanics. Owned by Pallida and given to the Party. Full House

Pallida's thought book[]

A book that logs the internal thoughts of the person holding it. Only visible to that person. Owned by Pallida. Full House

Reflection portal shield[]

Convex metallic shield that reflects attacks through a mirrored portal on its surface. Previously owned by Larkspur Prentiss, taken after his defeat. Copse and Robbers

Spin stick[]

Staff that can be thrown at an enemy for massive damage after being twirled for some time. Previously owned by Superbia Laquis, taken after Larkspur Prentiss' defeat. Copse and Robbers

Sword of Transient Metal[]

Once per day, with a command word, the sword will change so as to pass through metal (though not anything else). Bound to Amaryllis, invested in Juniper. Later switched in favor of the Probability Blade. Monty Haul

Teleportation Key[]

Allows the user to teleport himself at the cost of a flash of pain, plus another four people, and all the equipment they carry on them, up to 200 lbs each (plus any amount of objects carried in extradimensional space). "People" is defined rigidly, and does not include non-anima, sentient entads, or the locus. People in extradimensional/warped space still count against the limit. Stats for Nerds II Cooldown between uses is two hours. Whys and Wherefores All thousand were created at once in the form of a giant tower of keys that interlocked. Voting Blocs Retrieved from Silmar City by Amaryllis. ELEVATOR facts

Teleporting sword[]

Sword able to at least teleport between the user's hands. Previously owned by Larkspur Prentiss, taken after his defeat. Copse and Robbers

The Egress[]

A ship whose exterior is modeled after the "Cloud Gate" sculpture in Chicago. Moves with little regard for physics, and at extreme speed, without disturbing the people who fly in it. Given to Juniper's Party by Heshnel's group. The Remnants of the Past

Mentioned or lost entads[]

Amoureux Penitentiary[]

Sentient autonomous prison. Ten stories high, built with a surprising amount of dark blue glass, with brass ribbing. Its wall has overlapping metal scales, not in a set pattern, but with curves, coils, and flourishes. Can create and use dirt golems to prevent prisoners from escaping, and has a number of additional defenses for that purpose. Place Your Figs

Amulet of Nondetection[]

Amulet that protects Uther from divination magics of all kinds, including entads, and detection from any means, including sight and sound and more exotic methods and effects like footprints. The effect also protects the amulet itself, and only stops short of redaction. An Open Book

Blue armor[]

Metallic-blue armor with a large, solid breastplate, scaled armor on the sides and upper arms, then chainmail at the extremities, with leather and cloth underneath. Allows any strike to pass through it, but not in the same place twice. Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth Left behind in the Infinite Library by Juniper. Monty Haul

Candle of Invocation[]

Allegedly lights Uther's way back to its location when lit. Used by Speculator Masters to attempt summoning Uther back with no effect. Still burning four hundred and fifty years later. The Veil of the World

Frog Bow[]

a bow that turns arrows into frogs, shortly after being fired going roughly the same speed as the arrow after being fired

The Down and Out[]

Flying ship used to descend into the Boundless Pit. Flat on top, with a wide deck covered by a thick tarpaulin and a small, closed cabin where the pilot sits with some of the necessary equipment. The bottom of it is curved and made of glass, which broken up by rigid structural elements that divided it into triangles. Reminds Juniper of a D20, though skewed into more of an oval shape. Down and Out

Gemma's amulet[]

Returns bullets and arrows fired at the user. Worn by Gemma Tails. The Remnants of the Past

Gemma's belt[]

Helps the user track the path of blades. Worn by Gemma Tails. The Remnants of the Past

Girdle of Opposite Gender[]

Belt that changes the user's sex when worn. Used by Dahlia to hide her identity from Uther. Breaking Loose

Gossamer wing maker[]

Theorized entad that can produce gossamer wings, which allow the tuung air force to fly. Mentioned by Taft, owner of the Down and Out. Down and Out

Heshnel's cloak[]

Capable of obscuring the user from notice. Worn by Heshnel Elec. The Remnants of the Past

Heshnel's necklace[]

Keeps the user's head perfectly preserved and capable of speech in the event of the user's death. Worn by Heshnel Elec. The Remnants of the Past

Infinite Library's glasses[]

A pair of glasses that translates words into numbers that correlate to concepts, which can be contrasted with previously translated numbers of known languages to infer meaning from a text. Owned by the Librarians of the Infinite Library. Uskine Nervedah

Library of the Athenaeum of Bone and Flesh[]

A hundred feet tall, with ten levels, most of it sitting under an immense dome. Unknown effects or capabilities, but explicitly made under a forge frenzy. Don't Split the Party

Lisi's charge sword[]

A sword that charges the user up when it hits, making them faster and stronger. Given to Reimer by Lisi to defend themselves during the summoning of Mome Rath.Reimer (chapter)

Lisi's flute[]

A flute that makes pie, with the type of pie depending on the tune played, Looks to be made of bone

Lisi's travel dagger[]

A dagger that allows crossing a distance of a few miles. Sing For Your Supper

Lisi's quill[]

A communication entad that takes the form of a quill linked to a duplicate elsewhere. I Have to Hand it to You

Masters' amber entad[]

Unknown entad that locks an enemy in place with an amber effect. Used by Speculator Masters to trap Valencia at the Athenaeum of Speculation and Scrutiny. Egress

Masters' chalk[]

Piece of chalk that creates impenetrable barriers above shapes drawn by the user. The effect doesn't extend below the chalk. Used by Speculator Masters to trap Valencia at the Athenaeum of Speculation and Scrutiny. Egress

O'kald's axe[]

Seemingly bursts into flames at the user's thought, as well as returns to their hand. Able to reach white-hot temperatures. Used by O'kald during his fight against Juniper's Party. Breaking Loose'

Oberlin's mannequin[]

A mannequin with clockwork contraptions at the joints, made with great workmanship. When touched in its chest glowing blue goop emerges from it, changing color and adding features as to turn the mannequin into a seemingly perfect replica of a nude humanoid with fully realistic internal anatomy. Used by Oberlin as a teaching aid for his combat magic class. Good Vibrations Later used by Bethel to fashion a living physical body for herself. In the House of God

Obsidian doorknob[]

Obsidian doorknob that allows the user to open a door into a pitch black extradimensional space, protecting from eavesdroppers. Owned by Figaro Finch. Monty Haul

Penndraig tracker entad[]

Entad that can follow a man's worldline so long as he hasn't teleported, portaled or used other exotic magic. Used by the Penndraigs to track down Narcissus' killer. Rapping at my Chamber Door

Rod of Whispers[]

The source of Vibrational magic. A thick rod, about two feet long, tapered toward the ends. Brightly colored in reds and blues, with a criss-crossing pattern. Rate limited, but any user tapped on the head by it will permanently gain access to use of the magic. Tightly controlled by the Athenaeum of Sound and Silence. The One-Hand Warder

Shimmerplate maker[]

Unknown entad that can produce Shimmerplate in bulk and revocable at the will of the entad's owner. Used to create Shimmerplate by Uniquities. The Adventures of Valencia the Red

Speed armor[]

Leather armor that slows and speeds the movements of its wearer, trading one for the other in short bursts. Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth Irreparably broken after Fenn was cut in half. Place Your Figs

Shining dagger[]

Dagger that burns through bodies and shines brighter than the sun when thrown. Also returns to the user's hand. Stolen by Amaryllis from a gold mage at the temple of Li'o, and later left behind there. On the Merits of Oblivion

Temple's air purification censer[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to keep the temple's air clean and pure.The Time to Talk

Temple's alertness orb[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to remove the need for sleep from anyone inside its radius. Any hours of alertness need to be "paid back" later through extra hours of sleep. The Time to Talk

Temple's comfort sand timer[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to take care of bed sores for anyone inside its radius. The Time to Talk

Temple's hydration cup[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to take care of hydration for anyone inside its radius. The Time to Talk

Temple's meditation fountain[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to induce a meditative state in anyone inside its radius. Calms, centers and opens the mind. The fountain's waters are converted into vapor and circulated through the temple. The Time to Talk Later exploited by Harold to quickly trap more followers.On the Merits of Oblivion

Temple's sustenance spoon[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to take care of food for anyone inside its radius. The Time to Talk

Temple's waste chest[]

Entad used by the Temple of Li'o to take care of waste elimination for anyone inside its radius. The Time to Talk

Terridoc linkages[]

Collection of entads used by the Third Empire that grant full polyglot status. Uskine Nervedah

Thousand Rings of Stability[]

Entad of unknown use owned by the Atheneum of Claw and Clocks to keep people stable during the revision mage induction process. The One-Hand Warder.

Tongue-rings of Ellsion[]

Collection of tongue-rings that grant some equivalent effect to translation magic. Amaryllis

Toque of Lipsum[]

Unknown entad related to translation magic. Owned by the Librarians of the Infinite Library. Uskine Nervedah


Its sheath stores several dozen poisons, which it can apply with a thought. Owned by Gemma Tails. The Remnants of the Past

Urquhart Stone[]

When given the notes, correspondence, memoranda, and other writing of a person, the Stone is able to bring a simulacrum to life, one of some limited intelligence which can answer questions. The simulacrum looks like Earth's Loch Ness Monster, which might be a stealth pun for "Likeness Monster". Good Vibrations

Uther's brooch[]

Brooch that allows Uther to teleport to the last person to say his name. The Remnants of the Past

Uther's collar[]

Collar that strips memories and dulls emotions. Can't be removed. Mentioned by Uther to threaten Bethel into submission. Rapping at my Chamber Door

Uther's necklace[]

Necklace that cripples those who wear it with hallucinations. Mentioned by Uther to threaten Bethel into submission. Rapping at my Chamber Door

Uther's teleportation ring[]

Metal ring that can expand and open a portal an entire group can walk through, after which it returns to the hand of the owner. Unknown limitations. An Open House

Entads consumed by Bethel[]


Its normal form is a very plain blade with a dull reflection, so generic it seems it's hiding something. Can turn into any blade with a thought, with whatever ornamental features the wielder desires. In Juniper's Campaigns, the Anyblade belonged to a rogue of Reimer's, who often turned its hilt into a key shape to open any door. Obtained in Caer Laga. Rolling Need Eventually consumed by Bethel, after which Bethel gained the ability to take any shape that can be considered a house, and to designate rooms as Time Chamber or entad-consuming closet. Depths

Amulet of Kerthar's Grasp[]

Amulet with silver knotwork on it. The amulet allows the application of five pounds of force with no limit on how small the area of effect could be, limited only by whether Bethel's able to sense the location the force is applied to. Given the magnitude and versatility of Bethel's sensorium, there are no practical limits.

Backpack of Earthly Delights[]

Backpack that allows the retrieval of mundane items from Earth with a thought. Only items which actually existed on Earth can be requested. Only items that do not contain the Name of the Beast can be requested. Enough Rope to Hang Yourself Restrictions on the items created appear to be connected to some outside entity, presumably the Dungeon Master, with denied requests resulting in a brief note written on a piece of yellow legal paper, often employing emoticons in the message. After being consumed by Bethel, allows the creation, ex nihilo, of any item from Earth with an act of will from anyone within Bethel. Bethel can create items of any size, so long as they fit within its confines. Originally given to Juniper by the Dungeon Master via doe, Rule Zero and later consumed by Bethel. Immanentizing the Eschaton

Blanket of Protection[]

Anyone who falls asleep within Bethel may be completely protected from harm if it wills it. The protection granted does not apply to mental or spiritual attacks, but is equivalent to the most powerful still mage with respect to forces applied to the body. Food, water, and air are all still required, insofar as they're necessary when a person sleeps normally.

Bulgrew's Breastplate[]

It was dull, uninteresting armor, more durable and lighter than steel but otherwise possessing no strong magic to it. It did not add to Bethel's sensorium, and the durability has transferred to most of the structure and cladding.

Butterfly Knife[]

The knife allows the creation of butterflies in the wake of any object within Bethel of sufficient velocity, dependent on the will of either itself or the source of that velocity. Bethel can suppress the ability of others to use the effect, if need be. The butterflies fly with a will of their own and disappear after a handful of seconds.

Cannoneer's Pistol[]

Any pistols installed as part of an emplacement can fire shots which turn from normal pistol shot into cannonballs in mid-flight. In concert with the power of the Repeating Crossbow, this allows functionally unlimited cannonfire.

Concordant Cord[]

Gave Bethel a pool of concordance to draw upon, which allows it to create wards when used in conjunction with the warder's wands that it's collected over the years.

Crown of King Momentus[]

Allows Bethel to transfer momentum from one object to another. Bethel can also sense all momentum within its walls, and to one hundred feet outside them.

Dagger of Dreamspeech[]

Bethel can enter the dreams of anyone sleeping in the house and either observe what they're dreaming or kill them there, which will leave them permanently comatose.

Diadem of Focused Intent[]

It allows hyperfocus on one particular line of thought or action, so long as it's sufficiently narrow.

Eavesdropping Ring[]

Bethel can understand the speech of anyone it can see, even if it can't hear them.

Eternal Golden Braid[]

Also known as Ropey. Sentient length of rope. Entirely prehensile. Doesn't have much in the way of senses, only sight, sound and touch, limited in range. The Veil of the World Obtained from Aumann's vault in Trifles Tower. Tenth Bound to Amaryllis, but eventually consumed by Bethel during their wedding. Commingling

Evanescent Armor[]

Bethel can make various parts of herself immaterial, though there are harsh limits on how long it lasts, no more than thirty minutes of the day.


This allows the creation, ex nihilo, of any non-magical drink that has existed in Aerb's history. The rule that defines what is or is not a drink is somewhat strict, allowing only for those liquids which have been produced for the purpose of consumption, and consumed for the purposes of pleasure, sustenance, or health. Bethel's output is limited to quart per day.

Glove of Stone Shaping[]

Bethel can shape any stone that it touches. This allows some degree of movement through stone, though it's usually slow.

Imagineer's Vestment[]

Bethel can create perfect illusions of sight and sound, so long as they're within a ten-foot cube. Bethel can freely recenter the cube, but at least one side of the cube must be contained within its walls. The single largest addition to Bethel's sensorium.

Joint Striker[]

Bethel can designate up to five willing people within me, and when it holds a bow at full draw, can see from and fire from their position. It was intended as an aid to the soldiers stationed within Bethel, but did not manifest in a way favorable to that effort.

Kuum Doona[]

Kuum Doona is not just an entad, but a meta-entad, capable of taking magical items and adding them to itself. Initially created by Omar Antoun using funds and labor provided by Uther Penndraig, it stood empty for several years until Uther returned. Once he discovered the house's abilities, he began adding entads to it, eventually raising it to a sort of sentience, and after that, despite its objections and pleas. Notes

Lightning Rod[]

Bethel can shoot bolts of lightning from any surface, though it's limited in both rate of fire and number of bolts per day.

Loyal Recurve[]

Sentient blade that leaps to defend its owner from attacks, intended as a method of ensuring Bethel's loyalty. It was successful to some extent.

Memory palace[]

An unknown entad that allows Bethel to create a memory palace in her equivalent of a soul. Commingling


The armor created a cloud of poison, which Bethel can now create anywhere within it, and quite some distance beyond its walls. The Everflask can provide the antidote.

Orb of Brilliance[]

It was a glowing orb that would float around after whoever said a command word, casting bright light. Bethel gained the ability to shed bright light from any surface, but it cannot float. One of the attempts to give Bethel mobility.

Pikel's Gap[]

This power allows the stretching of space around a person or object, making it seem as though a square room twenty feet to a side stretches for hundreds of yards. The perspective of people outside the stretched space has been noted as confusing and unpleasant. A prohibition on stretching people and objects means that both combat and mundane utility are limited. It cannot create extra space to store goods.

Repeating Crossbow[]

This crossbow could reload itself and generate limitless ammunition, an effect which applies to all emplacements within Bethel, whatever form the projectiles take, so long as they are non-magical.

Ringmail of Three Wishes[]

Bethel is allowed three wishes each day. These wishes can only be used in order to undo the effects of an attack launched, and only just after the attack has struck. For the purposes of this power, “attack” requires both intent to harm and some measure of success.

Robe of Tongues[]

Added taste to the sensorium, with a range that extends to one hundred feet outside of Bethel. This sense can be suppressed with force of will, and applies equally to the surfaces of objects and their internals.

Sending Slate[]

Bethel can send a message to a paired slate, or read from that paired slate. The paired slate is broken beyond repair, but the ability remains part of its sensorium. Later fixed by Uniquities so Figaro Finch could contact Bethel. Mome Rath II

Sensorial circlet[]

Allows the user to see what everyone on their team sees, and compensates for the sensory overload. Owned by Pallida and eventually consumed by Bethel. Full House

Seer's Sword[]

This entad was added because it allowed the wielder to speak with any entity killed by it. Bethel is able to see, dimly, the spirits of those it has killed, but is unable to speak with them or summon them into material existence. The spirit sight exists as part of its sensorium.

Somner's Armor[]

Somner's Armor was intended to provide Bethel with another defensive ability. Non-magical projectiles or weapons which strike it turn into small creatures such as bats, mice, or birds, which will then do their best to attack whoever was responsible for the assault. It's limited to one hundred hits per month, and the combat effectiveness of the vermin is questionable.


This was once an intelligent sword, which first allowed Bethel some semblance of sentience. It added an awareness of light, dark, and color to its sensorium, which extend one hundred feet from every surface. It also allowed Bethel the ability to see a mental connection with every intelligent creature touching any of its surfaces, which it can use to initiate and receive mental communication.

Sunlight Mirror[]

Any mirror within Bethen's walls can reflect as though the reflected space was fully lit. This allows the creation of light wherever a mirror is present. For the purposes of this power, “mirror” is defined as any sufficiently reflective surface, which can include blades and armor. When Bethel consumed the entad, a knowledge of the reflectance of every surface as well as redundant perception of all light and potential light was added to its sensorium, which cannot be supressed.

Tome of Cat Summoning[]

Whenever a book is read inside of Bethel, a cat will appear on top of the pages shortly after. The cats are apparently fully real. Each book produces a different cat, though two copies of the same book will produce nearly identical cats. The cats often take on physical characteristics of the books that caused them to appear. Attempts to harm or alter the cats cause the cats to disappear. The cats can be moved from their books, and will sometimes wander off on their own, but always disappear when the book is closed. Bethel knows the locations of all books within her, as well as whether they're open or closed.

Tome of Redundancy[]

When pressed against another book, the Tome of Redundancy copies all text within it. Bethel can copy the contents of one book into another, without having a firm grasp on the knowledge or wisdom of the words.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Just before the leading shockwaves reached us, she transitioned into the ethereal realm, attempting to avoid them entirely. In D&D, the ethereal plane mostly coexisted with the Prime Material Plane, existing as a place of ghosts and spirits, allowing anyone who went into it to move straight through solid objects, flying without gravity. My ring of partial incorporeality had used the ethereal plane, and I missed it dearly, but it had been eaten by the Cannibal, or at least lost somewhere in Anglecynn and had never recovered. On Aerb, the ethereal realm worked a little bit differently, in that it had gravity, no air, and a geography of its own. Sometimes the ethereal was inaccessible thanks to a giant mountain in the way, or other times, the ground was lower in the ethereal, causing you to drop down. - Chapter 229: The Road
  2. I wasn’t confident that incorporeality would actually protect me, because it worked through interaction with the ethereal plane, not just by making me intangible. Could dragonfire extend into the ethereal? I had no idea. [...] I stopped stilling myself and began to drop, which happened really really fast given that there was no air in the ethereal plane (I was holding my breath), and no friction to slow me. Tommul went into a dive, and as fast as I was dropping, like a stone in a vacuum, he was moving faster. - Chapter 194: Coda II
  3. I tried using the Ring of Partial Incorporeality on her, but it wouldn’t extend that far beyond me, and when I was blown free of Mome Rath and got my bearings, I saw that I was holding just her upper half, the rest of her vaporized from the waist down. - Chapter 156: Mome Rath II
  4. I let us drop, completely incorporeal. Without drag, there was no terminal velocity, just pure acceleration, and in a matter of seconds, as he ate my arm, we were going really fucking fast. I waited until we were perilously close to the ground, flung out the tendrils of Gardner’s Plate to help put him facing the ground, then put us back to corporeality. We slammed into a wall of air, which dislodged him, and I pushed still magic as hard as I could. He lost his grip and fell to the ground at speed, surprising me with a crack of bones as he hit. But he wasn’t there for more than half a second before he got up and limped away with the same intense determination that he’d shown before. Quite a bit of my right hand was missing, much of the meat around my wrist completely gone, and my fingers only staying on by a little bit. The Ring of Incorporeality was missing. - Chapter 194: Coda II
  5. I wished that I had the Ring of Incorporeality, which had been lost during a scuffle in Anglecynn, presumably eaten by the Cannibal. - Chapter 210: Push and Pull
  6. I'm actually not sure that it's mentioned in the text anywhere, which is an oversight on my part, but every morning at dawn she rolls 1d3 and that determines whether she gets a charge, with there also being a hard cap on the number of charges the bow can hold at one time.
    Alexander Wales on Discord, 2018/06/20