Steel magic is an utility magic that lets the mage rapidly create buildings of an arbitrary size from a steel fascimile they've made. As the process of steelmaking is difficult to discover from scratch, steel magic was likewise discovered late into Aerb's history, but currently most large buildings are made this way.
It's taught at the Athenaeum of Steel and Sweat.
A steel mage must first make a steel model of a building they intend to create, with the precise composition of the steel alloy informing the quality of a building. All the handling of the model must be handled by the mage personally, from the point the steel is molten, and is thus time- and labor-expensive. When finished, the mage can scale it up to any size, and once the enlargement is finished, the steel is transformed into magestone, a magically inert material.
All imperfections in the original model are also scaled up, including ones that result from joining multiple pieces of steel, and might result in fundamental flaws in structural integrity, so the more precise the work, the larger the model required.
The process of enlargement exerts almost no force, so there's almost no combat utility, but plenty of strategical advantage in rapid construction of walls and other fortifications.
Notable practitioners[]
- Uther Penndraig
- Bessemer, who discovered a novel process that cut the price of steel production to an eighth of what it had once been