Alexander Wales Wiki

The List of Things That People Can’t Know is a series of facts that The Council Of Arches has decided they need to prevent outsiders from knowing.

These are

  1. The Existence or features of the Game Layer
  2. The identity of Amaryllis Penndraig.
  3. The Council's possession of a teleportation key.
  4. The assault at Aumann’s.
  5. The existence of the last locus.
  6. The public fight in Boastre Vino.
  7. The murder of Larkspur and company.
  8. The release of Fallatehr from prison.
  9. Valencia's non-anima nature.
  10. Esuen's Extraction.
  11. The hijacking of the Down and Out.
  12. Bethel's identity as a meta-entad.
  13. The Council's deal with Uniquities.